Sunday, June 16, 2019

What material is needed for glass backsplash for kitchen ?

Backsplash for kitchen

Glass backsplash for kitchen have become the most popular element in the design of a stylish kitchen. But which glass is best to choose for it?

Typically, the thickness of the glass for the kitchen apron is 6 or 8 millimeters.

Experts recommend using only tempered glass in the working area of ​​the kitchen. First of all, for reasons of safety, durability and reliability. Kaleno glass is 5 times stronger than usual. But even if in some way it manages to break down, its fragments will be small and nonstop.

Such glass backsplash for kitchen perfectly adjoins a stove or cooking panel and is not afraid of heat.

glass backsplash
glass backsplash 
Conventional glass is less reliable. Glass backsplash  of plexiglas is generally difficult to consider as a variant of wall finishes in the kitchen. It can not be used in the zone of the gas stove due to temperature variations, the plexiglas is easily scratched, dull, poorly cleaned of fat and other kitchen contaminants.

When choosing a glass on backsplash , keep in mind: you may need the so-called discolored glass. The usual glass, although it seems absolutely transparent, actually has a pronounced greenish "bottle" shade. On colored glass backsplash (with a landscape, city panorama or multicolored still life) it will be invisible. But if your apron has a lot of white or another very light background, the greenish shade will spoil everything.

Backsplash for kitchen
Experts note that thanks to greater transparency the panel makes the drawing on glass backsplash more clear and bright. The lighted glass costs about 30% more than usual.

The most popular myth about glass backsplash  - on the shiny surface of the glass will be too noticeable drops of water and fat, dust, fingerprints. However, according to the reviews of those who have already decided to make such glass backsplash  in the kitchen, traces on it remain no more than on other surfaces, for example, on a ceramic tile. And to look after it at times is easier - there are no interplastic seams in the glass, where pollution becomes accumulated over time.
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